Thought for the Month

 I am sitting enjoying the lovely sunshine at the moment, we have now had several days of lovely sunny weather and are set to get a few more but much hotter. I thought about getting air conditioning put in a couple of rooms last year when it was hot but decided we don’t get that many hot days so I wouldn’t waste the money. I wonder if I will regret not doing it! I am not a lover of hot weather, I much prefer it colder when I can put an extra jumper on if ne

eds be. When it is hot there is nothing one can do to be comfortable. I am sure you are thinking ‘what a strange person’. We have sheep on our farm and they have just had their fleeces cut off so they will be very grateful for that. The little paddock in front of my house has 7 huge rams munching away at the grass that seems to be growing faster than they can eat it. However, if we get a long dry spell they will soon run out as the grass stops growing. For the last 3 years we have had a family of Ravens nesting on an electricity pilon which is situated in one of our fields. A very safe place to nest, nobody is going to risk climbing up and stealing their eggs! They come and sit on the fence which surrounds the ram’s paddock and call to each other, they do sound very much like ducks when they fly over. Every day I thank Our Lord for His wonderful creations, and for the blessing he has bestowed on our family giving us such a beautiful place to live away from all the troubles that are going on in the world and our country at the moment. 

We are about to have a General Election and the papers and T.V are full of all the politicians are going to do if they are elected. I find it mind boggling, where is the money coming from. Every time there is a General Election we are promised that everything that is wrong or broken will be mended and then nothing happens and we slide into more broken promises. One thing that is certain, is that the promises made by God the Father will never be broken. He is completely trustworthy, true, loving, kind and reliable. He knows every hair on our heads and exactly what we will do and will not do. Even to the extent that when we ask Him for something in our prayers and we think He hasn’t heard us. We will find even if it takes several years that our prayer wasn’t answered because He knew best and if we reflect on life we will find that had our prayer been answered in the way we had asked, it would have been detrimental to us in later life. 

I can honestly vouch for this fact because at least 3 times in my life I have prayed for something in particular and my prayer was not answered, then years later I have realized that if God had answered my prayer I would have come to wish that he hadn’t. However, because my prayer wasn’t answered, everything has turned out for the best. 

In the bible Matthew7 v 7 – 11 tells us:

Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks will receive, and everyone who seeks will find, and the door will be opened to him who knocks. Would any of you who are fathers give your son a stone when he asks for bread? Or would you give him a snake when he asks for a fish? As bad as you are, you know how to give good things to your children. How much more, then, will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask Him! 

These words come from the Good News Bible but whatever bible you look in will say something very similar